7th NJCU Alumni Jazz Concert

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Diamond Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00
  • On-stage recognition and presentation of framed certificate of appreciation
  • Meet and greet the artists
  • Personal photo with the artists.
  • VIP seating for 10 guests, additional general admission seats available.
  • Post-concert VIP reception for 10 guests.
  • Logo will be featured in promotional materials, including banner at the pier, digital and print advertising, social media, NJCU website, email promotions and press releases.


Platinum Sponsorship (6 included) $0.00
  • On-stage recognition.
  • Meet and greet the artists.
  • Personal photo with the artists.
  • VIP seating for 6 guests, additional general admission seats available.
  • Post-concert VIP reception for 6 guests.
  • Logo will be featured in promotional materials, including banner at the pier, digital and print advertising, social media, NJCU website, email promotions and press releases.

Gold Sponsorship (4 included) $0.00
  • VIP seating for 4 guests; additional general admission seats available.
  • Post-concert VIP reception for 4 guests.
  • Logo will be featured in promotional materials, including banner at the pier, digital and print advertising, social media, NJCU website, email promotions and releases.


Silver Sponsorship (2 included) $0.00
  • VIP seating for 2 guests, additional general admission seats available.
  • Post-concert VIP reception for 2 guests.
  • Company name included in promotional materials, including banner at the pier, diital and print advertising, social media, NJCU website, email promotions and press releases.



For additional information, contact:

Don Jay Smith

(908) 832-1020




All contributions will be made through the NJCU Foundation, a designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit


Sponsorship check should be made payable to

NJCU Foundation with Jazz Concert noted

on the memo line and mailed to:


New Jersey City University Foundation

Hepburn Hall - Room 315

2039 John F. Kennedy Blvd.

Jersey City, NJ  07305